How It Started

Spencer, being an industrial mechanic by trade and having worked on ski lifts and large machines that make applesauce, felt that he's always been a maker. He was known to be dabbling in many different trades while on break in his car and when he found leather it was like it was meant to be. It began as a hobby, and when people started buying his wallets and praising his craftsmanship, he began to wonder if he could grow something that would ultimately enable him to retire from being an overworked/under appreciated employee. 

Then what?

"After 2 years of perfecting the craft, jumping into entrepreneurship felt like the natural next step. It was terrifying yet the best decision I’ve ever made because the benefits far out weigh the costs. I’m now able spend more time with my family, have a flexible schedule to work around, able to help our community and donate towards good causes. I’ve networked with many other small business owners over the last few years, brainstorm with them on ways to improve, and overall participate in a community that loves to support each other.

Becoming a business owner has shifted my mindset, enabled me to grow beyond myself, and has helped me become a better version of myself than I ever thought possible." - Spencer

Spencer at his first sidewalk sale

"You'd pay for this?"

We were approached by a local shop owner, who was very kind and offered him the opportunity to set up a small table in front of their shop to begin selling.

Our first Lineup, almost 1 year later

It's starting to look a lot like...

a buisness! We've got a wopping 6-item inventory!

Doing another street stand in front of our friend's shop

Add a couple bags & we're set!

You can't have a proper lineup without a couple bags...

What 2-years later looks like

The Set-up

After 2 years of selling, we started to perfect the set up design of our booth.

Is it perfect? Right then it was.

Will it get better? Of course!

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms"

- 1 Peter 4:10